Guess what? Another person has decided to create an on demand video for you Hurray?
However. These type of sites take away business from small studios that are struggling to stay open. For example a small studio in Denver called Shift Cycle. Indoor Cycling Society strongly recommends you help these small studios instead.
Anyways. The latest character is called MOSHN. A weird way to spell Motion?
Moshn claims: ” the future of fitness is on-demand, virtual, personalized and data driven. MOSHN is a unique and personalized combination of technology and content designed to help people live a fit lifestyle”. Great marketing words. Isn’t that what Peloton has been doing?
Then they continue with the marketing buzz words: Please read: “MOSHN is an on-demand streaming fitness platform that connects trainees with world-class coaches.Anyone can get fit and stay fit in the comfort and safety of their home with access to live and pre-recorded streaming classes with a MOSHN coach when and where they want” But does not Peloton offer that?

Moshn feb 8 2021
It is true when Moshn states the obvious: “Studies have shown that exercise raises energy levels, combats stress, battles fatigue and improves general well-being and productivity.” But there are dozens of struggling studios trying to stay in business who are offering on demand. Such as a small studio in Denver called Shift Cycle. Shift Cycle offers Shift at Home
Many small studios are understanding the benefit and growing interest in health and fitness also.
Just like who provides fitness content. There. are several studios who offer customized content that include Spin classes, desk yoga, boxercise each designed to address the need and benefit of motion and movement throughout the digital days. Such as a small studio called Love Cycling Studio
Please read their slick marketing: is a complete eco-system that empowers people to live a fit and healthy lifestyle through personalized affordable fitness. Our vision at is to make the world a healthier place through personalized fitness for all and enable members to live a healthier life.
However. Small studios like Love Cycling Studio also make the same claims.
Just like Moshn Or Motion, Love Cycling Studio gives users have access to tailored training content, both live and on-demand with personalized access to top coaches and trainers for premium members.
And just like Peloton which is only 15 bucks a month. Peloton users can use wearable technology with the app allows users to track personal fitness progress, meet coaches, connect with friends and live a healthier life through an affordable and easily accessible platform.
To conclude. Please notice this images from Moshn website. Don’t small studios like Love Cycling Studio offer these bells and whistles?
And we know definitely that Peloton does. Who made this graphic?
What makes MOSHN unique – 3 Strategic Pillars
Lastly. Indoor Cycling Society was recently solicited by moshn to “partner up”. So within hours we gave them free advertising which 100’s viewed. Then we sent them an email offering a business proposal. And what what was Moshn’s reply? Was it a thank you for the FREE ADVERTISING”? No way. Not even a thank you. Actually it is even worse than that. Moshn did even show any respect by replying to our email. After we went public and requested a reply they refused to even say thank you. To keep this short and factual. Moshn has been at it for at least 6 months however notice below that NOT ONE PERSON HAS RECOMMENDED THEM AS OF FEB 8 2021. NOT ONE PERSON.
Our Moshn review is
Not recommended. For just 15 bucks a month, Peloton gives you not only 100’s of spin videos but Peloton also gives you Strength Workouts, Yoga etc etc. And after the disrespectful actions of Moshn against those who helped them and promoted them, I would definitely not give them your business. Instead. Help these small studios such as:
Please read what others are saying about MOSHN