WOW. In the city of Vancouver in Western Canada things are getting wild. Not one but two spin studios went out of business. It it was not because of COVID. The first was SPINCO Vancouver, which has dozens of studios all over Canada. After two years of incredible energy, sweat and community love, they made the difficult decision to permanently close their studio doors in a edgy area in Vancouver.
For Spinco Vancouver many people saw it coming. The location was on a notorious street in Vancouver. They were on Hastings Street. Which is only 2 blocks from the worst stretch of drug addicts and homeless citizens in Canada. You hear police and ambulance sirens constantly, and sadly, many overdoses.
Secondly About a year ago there was a new manager who was a nightmare. He was rude and a bully and abusive. How they treated a minority member who is Middle-eastern was disturbing
All the Spincos we have encountered are owned by white owners and white managers, which that alone is egregious.
However it becomes even worse and perhaps a hate-crime when the Middle-Eastern customer was a loyal customer since DAY ONE, when the Vancouver Spinco opened. This customer has spent thousands on Spinco and even promoted them on social media. However what they did to him is heart-breaking and borders on a hate-crime.
The middle-eastern customer a monthly pass customer. On August 21 he had one pass left, which is worth about 20 dollars. The middle-eastern customer asked the manager Joey Robertson, a white anglo saxon man, if the middle-eastern get a 24 hour extention and apply that pass to another class. (And that class us usually 75 percent empty).
What is most chilling is that instead of Joey Robertson, the white anglo saxon, manager saying: “sure no problem”, we will extend your pass 24 hours because you have been with us since day one, instead Spinco tells the middle-eastern man who has been there since day one that they will not grant him an 24 hour extention and he will lose 20 dollars. Just disturbing even writing about it and we are sure you have become disturbed which such mean-spirted and hateful conduct.
The second studio that closed was YVR Cycle. They had a few studios in another province, Alberta. They decided to try Vancouver. But their rent was 26 000 dollar a month.
YVR Cycle announced that effective April 4 the business was closed permanently.
“This message is one that I’ve been dreading to send. Effective today, we are regretfully deciding to close down YVR Cycle,” writes owner Andrew Obrecht in a post on the studio’s website and in an email sent to members.
“We simply didn’t see the pace of growth that we needed to sustain the business in Vancouver, which meant that our Alberta studios were helping it stay afloat,” Obrecht writes.
He explains that while the location, which had previously been the Vancouver location of SoulCycle, was already set up as a spin studio (which meant lower start-up costs), the monthly rent was too high to make YVR Cycle viable.
“The reality of this location for us is that we have lost money 17 out of the 18 months that we’ve operated in Yaletown,” explains Obrecht. “We started with an uphill battle with rents at +$26,000/month and a studio that is larger than we typically build.”
In the letter, Obrecht notes plans are being made for members and pass holders.
Some locals have expressed frustration with the business on social media because of how sudden the closure was, pointing out people were able to buy passes and memberships just before the closure was announced and are now left trying to figure out new plans.
“We feel truly sorry for the employees and the YVR Cycle community. The way this was handled is very frustrating,” writes Bruna Alvarenga on Instagram.
After first-hand experience from a paying customer it is safe to conclude that Cmmn Grnd Vancouver is engaging in discrimination against middle-eastern citizens and at best definitely lacks professionalism.

cmmn grnd vancouver
Recently they removed a middle-eastern citizen for a class, done by hateful character and a bad citizen. That kind of malice and hate is not only unprofessional it’s evil. What is even more chilling is that the middle-eastern was forgiving and instead of reporting them to the Human Rights Tribunal he simply wrote a review on Google maps to protect future victims, and of course no longer give them his business. However the malice of Cmmn Grnd got worse and vengeful. The middle-eastern citizen was invited by another therapy service company called Myodetox which offers physical therapy. Myodetox rented out that location on a Saturday afternoon. So the middle-eastern customer, who is low income needed free therapy; the middle-eastern customer signed up for the free presentation offered by Myodetox, thinking that Cmmn Grnd are not that deranged and dark. But he was wrong.
Just a one week before the free therapy event the malice of Cmmn Grnd became salient. The middle-eastern was REMOVED by the hateful and dark Cmmn Grnd staff without explanation. At best that is unprofessonal and very reasonable to see the hate crime. However the shameless cowards at Cmmd Grnd are aware that Vancouver protects haters and racists, especially when it comes to middle-eastern citizens.
To show how brazen and dumb the Dylan Archambault, the “co-founder” and creative director is. He sends the middle-eastern a very mean and malcious threatening email full of lies and uglyniess. I replied, with the facts. Stating that he Dylan Archambault is a psychopath and told him that we will go public and even create a youtube channel to protect future victims.
Only in Vancouver can a white business owner like Dylan Archambault, can getaway treating a middle-eastern with such malice. (At least that is what his dulusional mind thinks)
Watch him talk about the mental health he is wishing for:
View this post on Instagram
To conclude our Cmmn Grnd Reviews let us leave you with a reviews we found online.
Below is the MAYOR OF VANCOUVER apologizing to middle-eastern men for being called terrorists.
Unfortunately many Vancouver residents share a prejudice against Middle-Eastern man. Recently Vancouver has been marked 
with a shameful prejudice of middle-eastern men. For instance– in 2017, when a few middle-eastern men took a few pictures of the main shopping mall, all of a sudden, they were in the NEWS and suspected of being terrorists.
The good news is that when the middle-eastern men defended themselves and proved they were just shopping. They also went public (like we are doing now). That then caused or forced the mayor of Vancouver to publicly apologize.
Then it got into the local news. The middle-eastern men in that incident could have sued, however accepted the apology the city.